Friday, February 22, 2013

The View on Esplanade Avenue

Looking riverside on Esplanade Avenue
I was standing in the neutral ground on Esplanade Avenue between North Miro and North Tonti Streets.  It's where the neutral ground suddenly narrows on its way to Bayou Saint John.  From Chartres to Miro, the neutral ground down the middle of Esplanade is a park-like setting where strollers walk under the shade of the oaks.  After Miro, the neutral ground becomes as wide as an oyster loaf at Ye Olde College Inn.
Almost actual size
Looking lakeside on Esplanade Avenue
Esplanade Avenue is the boundary between the 6th Ward and the 7th Ward in New Orleans.  From Chartres Street to North Miro Street, most people walk in the wide neutral ground.  After North Miro, they have to choose a side.  I can't say I've seen more people pick the 6th Ward over the 7th, or vice versa.  Everyone is neighborly in this part of New Orleans. 
Actual size
I was standing right in the middle of the middle of Esplanade Avenue, right where Bayou Road crosses.  I looked up and noticed that the arrow was pointing at the balcony.  

That orange house is La Belle Esplanade, a colorful New Orleans bed and breakfast.  The suite behind that balcony has been getting a lot of attention recently. 
Les Saintes Suite
A votre sante.

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