Monday, February 10, 2014

More sights around New Orleans

City Park
I've got plenty to talk about but I'm too lazy to download the latest batch of photos from my phone.  We've made some changes to some of our suites and I've been taking pictures, but I've got a bunch of old pictures to get through first.  No time like the present.

I wasn't in an airplane to take that photo of City Park, above.  I swiped it from an email they sent me.  It's just as impressive on the ground.
Joy Theater on Canal Street, New Orleans
We did go to the recently reopened Joy Theater two or three weeks ago, however.  We went to see a one man show, "The Kingfish."  It was about former governor Huey Long.  He has his own website if you are interested.  His motto was, "Every man a king."  I naturally like that slogan.  The seats are a little tight at the Joy, otherwise it was an enjoyable theatrical experience.
Circle Food Store mural, S. Claiborne Ave., New Orleans
The Circle Food Store also reopened recently, complete with restorations with an eye to its past.  This is a major grocery store in our neighborhood and it had been closed since Katrina.  It is located in a historic old city market building and the interior is filled with murals and period signs.  Here's another mural:
Artist's impression of the Circle Food Store, New Orleans
While I was shopping at Circle Foods, I couldn't resist a shot of New Orleans' favorite soda.  With a name like Big Shot, you know it's a local brand.
Pineapple Big Shot
We stock a bottle of Big Shot in the refrigerators in our suites.  Not just the pineapple flavor, it comes in all kinds.  I warn you, it's very sweet.  The only flavor I've seen come in a diet version is cream for some reason.

Just this afternoon, I came across a video promoting lodgings in New Orleans.  The better way to stay, if you will.  Hint: you won't find it on airB&B or on craigslist.  I don't know why I didn't know about this video until I stumbled across it.  Everything about it is true.

I walked up to City Park last Friday and I witnessed a boxing match under the Dueling Oaks, which are next to the New Orleans Museum of Art.  I asked the participants to pose for me:
Mismatched combatants
You never know what you are going to see in New Orleans.

A votre santé,
La Belle Esplanade bed and breakfast.

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