Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How safe is New Orleans?

Tammie, the housekeeper

Tammy the housekeeper told me she saw a video in the Mid-City Record.  It's our newspaper of choice, hereabouts, right after the New Orleans Advocate and the Wall Street Journal.  The NOPD posted a video.  That's news around here.  


A lot of people ask me about the crime rate in New Orleans.  If you read the Mid-City Messenger article, you'll see that the lady left her car unlocked and running with the keys in the ignition while she was at the store.  It happened at the intersection of North Broad and St. Bernard.  I can't tell for sure, but it looks like the Viper Place, where they sell car alarms and audio.  There's a Walgreen's, Seafood King, and something else I can't remember at that intersection.  It doesn't look like any of those other places to me.

If you are from a place where you can leave your keys in the ignition, leave the motor running, and leave the car door unlocked, you might find the crime rate high.  If you practice common sense, it is always a good day for someone in New Orleans.  It may as well be you.

As soon as you walk in the lobby, you'll know it should be you.

A votre santé,

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