Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The bearable lightness of New Orleans

We've been a tad busy the past couple of days doing this and that and whatnot, keeping things in working order, making improvements, tweaking a seemingly successful formula to become better innkeepers.  When I say we're already too busy, Frau Schmitt likes to tell me, "Idle hands are the Devil's tools."  She is usually right about these things, especially when it comes to her husband.  

While I have a few future articles in the hopper, they are going to have to wait awhile until I catch up with other business.  Now, if this were some other bed and breakfast blog, I'd feature some warmed over recipes for you to enjoy.  The kitchen isn't my department, though.

When I was in elementary school, in Connecticut, we couldn't go outside for recess if it was raining.  Snow was no problem, though.  When it was raining, we went to the school auditorium to watch a movie instead.  It kept us occupied.  I'm going to show you a movie today:

The Backstreet Cultural Museum is about a ten minute walk from our house.  We always recommend it.  You'll learn something about what it is like to live in New Orleans.  It is better than you can imagine.

Until I'm ready to sit down and write a real blog post...

A votre santé,
La Belle Esplanade bed and breakfast.

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